This is such a simple question.

Probably the first question that you ever learned English…

And it’s one that was probably drilled into you.

When you first learn English – one of the first questions you learn is ‘how are you?. And yet, if you speak with English speakers, you rarely hear them say it.

Today I’m sharing 15 alternative ways to ask how are you… and ways to answer the expressions. There are so many different ways to ask about someone’s wellbeing. There are slight differences in how we ask this question based on our age group, how formal or polite we want to be, your social background, and the variety of English we are using.

Check out the latest free guide to accompany this episode: Your Guide to Asking and Answering the Question ‘How are you?’ Like a Native English Speaker 

Times to check out:

(01:50) Why change it up?

(4:26) What native speakers do…

(5:18) Keeping it casual

(7:55) One of our favourite words in England

(10:05) Do I call you mate?

(11:11) Well, well, I am well.

(13:13) Update me, please.

(15:41) But really, how are you feeling?

(18:18) My top tip to answering these questions





WHO AM I: I’m Gemma Keeling, Founder, and CEO at Fluent Speakers. With a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition from The University of Oxford, and an undergraduate degree in Spanish and Teaching English as a Second Language, I have extensive training and expertise in education. I have travelled extensively and worked in many different societies and cultures. I coach digital design and tech professionals to improve their communication skills in English.

? My website/blog:

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