Customer journey, ideation, put a pin in it… What are they all talking about? If you are working with global teams and in the tech industry, you’ve likely heard these words many times.

These words and phrases are known as buzzwords.

Buzzwords usually come from technical terms but their meanings might slightly change as they become mainstream and more widely used.

Buzzwords can leave us feeling confused. They are so popular we might start using them without understanding their exact meaning. We hear them so often we might be afraid to question their meaning.

In today’s episode I am sharing some of the most common buzzwords and their meanings. This is not a list for you to memorise and use randomly but shares a definition and explanation around using them and why many of these words can be loved and hated.

Check out the latest free guide to accompany this episode: Your Guide to Tech Buzzwords A Done-for-you Vocabulary and Explanations Guide to Common Tech Buzzwords and Jargon

Times to check out:

(01:55) Why do people use buzzwords?

(5:22) To embarrassed to ask…

(8:24) When I heard this, my heart sank.

(9:52) Clarity is everything

(12:21) The phrase I kept hearing

(13:08) One of the most hated words!

(14:41) This is a ______ approach.

(16:31) Let’s chat and get to the point

(17:31) I use this phrase ALL the time

(18:32) Be careful with this one





WHO AM I: I’m Gemma Keeling, Founder, and CEO at Fluent Speakers. With a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition from The University of Oxford, and an undergraduate degree in Spanish and Teaching English as a Second Language, I have extensive training and expertise in education. I have travelled extensively and worked in many different societies and cultures. I coach digital design and tech professionals to improve their communication skills in English.

? My website/blog:

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