Language learning changes us.It changes how we see the world and interact with it. So much so that our brains get rearranged as we learn new languages, which is pretty cool. Learning English, or any foreign language, not only influences your view of who you are, who you want to become, and your desires, but it also shapes the identities of whole nations.

Your identity is your sense of self – your self image and understanding of who you are. We spend our adult life navigating our sense of who we are and sense of self.

Language learning and speaking English isn’t just about producing meaning through the words and language that we use.

Our relationship with others and ourselves is negotiated through our language. It changes our sense of who we are and how we see the world and how we see ourselves.

In today’s episode, I am talking about building your language identity and feeling secure in your language and your sense of self and embracing who you are right now is something I could talk about all day. I share my own journey of building a foreign language identity and touch on some complex and challenging, but important topics.

If you want to build your communication confidence in English then Check out my free guide all about the 7 Must Do’s for Confident English Communication:

I am here to help you and guide you through your language learning journey to build your communication skills and help you feel confident, authentic, and powerful when using English.

If you are not feeling like that, then don’t hesitate to reach out.

Times to check out:

(01:50) What I’ve been up to…

(6:01) Why does my language identity in English matter?

(10:00) Fitting in and assimilation

(12:44) Feeling like a different person using English

(15:55) Resistance – Am I different?





WHO AM I: I’m Gemma Keeling, Founder, and CEO at Fluent Speakers. With a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition from The University of Oxford, and an undergraduate degree in Spanish and Teaching English as a Second Language, I have extensive training and expertise in education. I have travelled extensively and worked in many different societies and cultures. I coach digital design and tech professionals to improve their communication skills in English.

? My website/blog:

? GET IN TOUCH: If you are interested in finding out how we can work together in 2022 then send an email to [email protected] or send me a message on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram with the word ‘2022’ and I will send the information on how we can do it.