Being charismatic is a characteristic that many leaders strive towards. It is usually easy to identify when someone is charismatic. They have this energy about them that everyone gravitates towards.

I read a quote from Larry Tesler, pioneer of UI, and he said “When I wasn’t sure what the word “charisma” meant, I met Steve Jobs, and then I knew.”

But, what was it about Steve Jobs and other leaders and speakers that make them so powerful in their communication? What does it take to be motivational, confident, charming, relatable, and strong communicators?

In today’s episode, I share some techniques that you can use to get your listener and audience better engaged, and for you to be likable. Whether you want to be a better communicator, are leading teams or want to be the next leader in your industry, I share some effective strategies that leaders, and especially leaders in tech have in common.

Times to check out:

  • (3:21) Charismatic leadership traits and styles
  • (5:01) Telling stories that inspire
  • (9:15) Should I open up and make it personal?
  • (13:30) Being present and having presence


FREE guide for designers:

FREE guide for confident English:

WHO AM I: I’m Gemma Keeling, Founder and CEO at Fluent Speakers. With a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition from The University of Oxford, and an undergraduate degree in Spanish and Teaching English as a Second Language, I have extensive training in what it takes to learn and teach English and expertise in education. I teach design and tech professionals the steps to language fluency and communication confidence so they can express themselves with ease.

? GET IN TOUCH: If you’d like to talk, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to email me at [email protected]