A third of all second language learners will experience this. 
It might even be a reason why so many learners give up. 
Today we will talking about language anxiety, formally known as xenoglossophobia. 
I am opening up about my own experience of language anxiety and what I have been able to do deal with difficult situations. I talk about the importance of learning what triggers you and how mindfulness medication as well as focusing on the positives may help. I also share some areas you can focus on you can take to make it easy for yourself and slowly build your confidence. 
I also share my BRAND NEW guide all about the 7 Must Do’s for Confident English Communication: 
We will address some important questions like:
  • What is language anxiety?
  • What are some of the causes?
  • What can you do to help deal with language anxiety?
Times to check out:
  • (2:30) What is language anxiety – with some examples of how you might feel.
  • (7:50) Overcoming language anxiety
  • (10:57) A difficult situation and my advise (based on my own personal experience)
  • (15:17) How being mindful can help
If you are feeling anxious when speaking a second language, don’t be afraid to reach out to a mental health professional. 
You don’t have to do it alone. 
WHO AM I: I’m Gemma, Founder and CEO at Fluent Speakers. With a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition from The University of Oxford, and an undergraduate degree in Spanish and Teaching English as a Second Language, I have extensive training and expertise in education. I have travelled extensively and worked in many different societies and cultures. I coach digital design and tech professionals to improve their communication skills in English.
? GET IN TOUCH: If you’d like to talk, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to email me at [email protected]